This is my first ever blog post! Which is pretty silly since I created this blog ages ago. Better late than never, right? Well...if by some twist of fate I end up gaining a reader or two (besides my mom...Hi Mom!) I just wanted to say thanks for coming over. This blog is mainly to catalog some mood boards that I've created for our next home. My husband and I are in the market to build soon. I really just wanted to have a place where I could link up all of my ideas and make some sense of my chaotic Pinterest boards. Eventually I would like to chronicle my successes and failures in crafting. In a way this blog is to keep me on my toes and hold myself accountable for my own happiness and growth. I love many types of crafting and often dream of doing it all. Sometimes I'm successful...and other times...I'm not. And that's okay. Basically, I just wanted to create a place where I could remind myself that:
a) I am capable of doing many things. Hard things. Complicated things. Things that I could just pay someone else to do...but would then lose out on the feeling of superiority accomplishment if I did.
b) It is always worth trying something new. Even if I fail miserably. Case in point; my first forage into cooking. You'd think that after 3 burnt pans, 2 melted spatulas, and a flaming toaster later that I would have stopped in my teens. But I kept going and was eventually able to cook something edible. Then a few somethings. I like reminding myself that in this case, perseverance paid off. Now that I'm typing this though, it kind of sounds like a twisted version of the 12 days of Christmas. It's probably a good thing that I've never seen a partridge or a pear tree. With my tendency to catch things aflame it probably wouldn't have ended well.
c) If all else fails I can always buy whatever it is that I'm trying to make. Yes...I'd lose the opportunity to gloat pat myself on the back. But I think it's important to allow myself to fail miserably and then move on if I need to. It helps me appreciate the things that I am good at.
So this is my blog. A way to evaluate if learning a new hobby/trick/talent is worth it to me. Yes? No? Maybe Sew? The point is that I've tried. Being willing to learn, putting in the effort, and accepting the outcome (whatever that is) makes a difference in how I view myself. Thank you for joining me in that journey.
Here's looking at you kids!
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